Lead sheets
You can download charts of Jochen's original music from his last three Quartet albums (Somewhere meeting nobody, We Make the Rules, and Charm Offensive), the 3 songs he wrote for Nils Wogram's Root 70 over the years, and the 2 songs on Melissa Aldana's trio record. For 25 bucks. Most charts are handwritten C lead sheets, not very well written but somewhat legible, a few are music notation software generated, a few have separate parts and all are either .jpg or .pdf
Charts for all 9 songs from Jochen's new album "With Best Intentions". All handwritten, includes Bb parts. Mostly separate tb, bcl, and ts charts. All jpgs. 10 dollars
Here's a separate link for all 8 original songs from "Stars and Garters" Also mostly handwritten, and includes Bb parts. 8 dollars